I hadn’t actually heard of the comedienne Ms Pat before this book, but Rabbit: The Autobiography of Ms Pat – Patricia Williams I do like that new medical show The Resident but it’s quite intense so I don’t know if I am enjoying the watching of it all that much! I tried watching an episode of Chicago Med but I’m not sure if I really am into it. Lola is the tale of a woman who runs a South Central LA gang that’s caught up in a war between two drug cartels. Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self is a collection of short stories. Perfectly cooked, with a nice level of spiciness! And also we took home some pretty cakes from Alexander’s Patisserie. Loved the proper thin-crust pizza especially the Doppio Zero (the one in front) with prosciutto, arugula and burrata. We had some amazing pizza and pasta at Doppio Zero in Mountain View. Here’s some stuff we did over the weekend… And the sound of my typing is accompanied by the pitter patter of the rain outside. It’s Monday morning as I’m typing this, because I’m so on the ball as you know. But maybe there’s some hope with this week’s forecast of rain? Let’s hope so. There’s been talk of that dreaded “D” word again – DROUGHT. Boy have we been having a dry winter here in California.