With so many people going to university, many 18-year-olds believe they will be condemned to second-rate careers if they don’t join in. The expected student loan interest rate is scandalous, but it is not the fundamental problem facing young people (“ ‘My future’s been stolen’: 12% rate on student loans condemned as outrageous”, News). Surbiton, Surrey How to abolish student debt Pure ideology must be diluted for the greater good.
They should focus on the big picture – deposing a corrupt and immoral (not to mention incompetent) Tory regime. It does appear blindingly obvious and yet unions, diehard members, the Labour left and the Liberal Democrat right are hesitant. In remotely marginal seats, either the Liberals or Labour should stand down to give the Tory challengers the best chance of victory. They both want an end to more than a decade of scandalous Tory rule and so they must get their act together and unite.
In short, their aims and wants are not dissimilar. At present, the Liberal Democrats appear to be marginally left-of-centre social liberals, while Labour are centre-left social liberals. A Lib-Lab pact isn’t merely desirable, but necessary, if defeating the Tories is the aim.